COE 211 - Computer Programming


This is an introductory programming course with an emphasis on algorithm development, programming constructs, computer organization, data representation, debugging, and program testing. A wide range of numerical as well as non-numerical problems relating to engineering will be solved in Java as a means of reinforcing the understanding of these concepts.

Date Topic PowerPoint Slides Solution Keys Java Files Notes
Jan. 16, 2024 Overview, goals, logistics 1st Set of Slides

Lecture 1's Notes

Jan. 18, 2024 Program Development (Chapter 1) 2nd Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 2's Notes

Jan. 23, 2024 Object Oriented Programming and Character Strings (Chapter 2) 3rd Set of Slides

Chapter2 Java Examples

Chapter1 Java Examples

In-class Java Files

Lecture 3's Notes

Jan. 25, 2024 Variables, Assignments and Primitive Data Types 4th Set of Slides

Chapter2 Solutions

Chapter1 Solutions

In-class Java Files

Lecture 4's Notes

Jan. 30, 2024 Arithmetic Expressions and Data Conversion 5th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 5's Notes

Feb. 1, 2024 Scanner class, Creating Objects, and Packages (Chapter 3) 6th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 6's Notes

Feb. 6, 2024 String class 7th Set of Slides

Chapter3 Solutions

Chapter3 Java Examples

In-class Java Files

Lecture 7's Notes

Feb. 8, 2024 Random and Math In-class Java Files

Lecture 8's Notes

Feb. 13, 2024 DecimalFormat and Wrapper Classes 8th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 9's Notes

Feb. 15, 2024 Writing Classes 9th Set of Slides

Chapter4 Solutions

Chapter4 Java Examples

In-class Java Files

Lecture 10's Notes

Feb. 20, 2024 Writing Classes (Continued) Chapters5&6 Solutions

In-class Java Files

Chapters5&6 Java Examples

Lecture 11's Notes

Feb. 22, 2024 Conditional Statements (Chapters 5&6) 10th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 12's Notes

Feb. 27, 2024 Conditional Statements (Continued) In-class Java Files

Lecture 13's Notes

Feb. 29, 2024 Repetition Statements 11th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 14's Notes

March 5, 2024 Repetition Statements (Continued) In-class Java Files

Lecture 15's Notes

March 7, 2024 Iterators and Writing Data to a File (Chapters 5&10) 12th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 16's Notes

March 12, 2024 Problem Solving In-class Java Files

Lecture 17's Notes

March 14, 2024 Exam I
March 19, 2024 Static class members and class relationships (Chapter 7) 13th Set of Slides

Chapter7 Solutions

Chapter7 Java Examples

In-class Java Files

Lecture 18's Notes

March 21, 2024 Interfaces and Method Design 14th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 19's Notes

March 26, 2024 Declaring and Using Arrays (Chapter 8) 15th Set of Slides

Chapter8 Solutions

Chapter8 Java Examples

In-class Java Files

Lecture 20's Notes

March 28, 2024 Declaring and Using Arrays (Continued) In-class Java Files

Lecture 21's Notes

April 2, 2024 Two-dimensional Arrays 16th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 22's Notes

April 4, 2024 ArrayLists, Searching, and Sorting 17th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 23's Notes

April 16, 2024 Exam II
April 18, 2024 Problem Solving In-class Java Files

Lecture 24's Notes

April 23, 2024 Problem Solving (Continued) In-class Java Files

Lecture 25's Notes

April 25, 2024 Inheritance (Chapter 9) 18th Set of Slides

In-class Java Files

Lecture 26's Notes

April 30, 2024 Inheritance (Continued) In-class Java Files

Lecture 27's Notes


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