15K followers on LinkedIn

March 25, 2023 - 1954 views

2 min read

Wissam Fawaz

This blog post aims to explain the techniques I employed to boost my following on the LinkedIn platform. Be sure to follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter for additional tips and insights. 

When I started my content creation journey on LinkedIn about a year ago, little did I know that my followers count would skyrocket.

The tactics I used to build a community of like-minded connections on the platform can be summarized as follows:
- Provide value to my audience by posting coding tips,
- Connect and engage with other users, and
- Stay consistent in my posting and engagement.

1. Sharing is caring:
I have been involved with coding for the past 20 years, first as a Ph.D. student and next as an instructor of numerous programming courses. So, I focused on providing value to my audience. Mainly, I developed the habit of posting weekly coding tips revolving around Python, Java, and Javascript. These tips offered practical insights to my connections/followers, whose majority work in the software industry.

2. Build bridges:
Interactions on a platform like LinkedIn are two-way streets. If you expect others to interact with your posts, you need to get into the groove of engaging with other users' content. With that in mind, I would read the posts published by my connections and leave thoughtful comments that show I had taken the time to understand their perspective. This helped me build relationships with other professionals and expand my reach beyond my immediate network. This is especially true since my comments were viewed by the connections of the people I interacted with.

3. Consistency beats talent:
Nobody should underestimate the power of consistency. The most canonical example, in this regard, is that 1% of daily improvement over a year results in a 38-fold yearly improvement! To leverage the power of consistency, I carried out the above activities regularly. As such, I followed a weekly posting schedule while interacting with my followers/connections daily. On top of that, I made sure to exhaust the quota of weekly connection requests granted by LinkedIn to its users. This enabled me to expand my list of connections to include many other professionals.

In conclusion, growing your following on LinkedIn takes time and effort. There are no shortcuts. But with dedication and consistency, anyone can establish an impressive presence on the platform.